These days, technology is doing so much for complex systems like garage doors, that there are all sorts of innovations emerging every year. You can now use your phone to open and close the door, and even check its condition from anywhere in the world (at least, anywhere with Wifi). Even the quality of the different components seems to keep improving, and new door models are far more durable and reliable than their previous counterparts.
Some Things Never Change
Even with all the latest technological innovations, garage doors still go through a lot of wear-and-tear over time. Some of their components can be more susceptible than others, especially the harder they work. There are no parts more hardworking than your garage door springs.
A Matter of Time
Broken springs are something that all door systems will be affected by eventually. The more you open and close your door, the more these components will have to strain to support its panels and help them move. This will gradually take its toll, and their tension will slowly begin to weaken. While spring adjustment can reduce some of the strain and allow them to last longer, it is still only a temporary solution, as these components have a finite lifespan.
Do Not DIY
While some aspects of garage door repair can be safe enough for you to handle on your own, when it comes to spring related issues, that's by no means the case. These components can be incredibly dangerous to handle, and tampering with them can lead to catastrophic results. Leave it to our team to carry out any broken spring replacement work that you need, and to ensure that your door can once again open without any issues whatsoever.
Count On Us
You can always count on our team at Garage Door Repair Irving to offer you the help you need when you need it. We provide emergency spring replacement services, as well as lubrication and adjustment maintenance that will help you get the most out of these hardworking parts. Contact us today for more information.
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